What is 100% Hāmākua Coffee?
Taste of the coffees grown on Hawaii's Big Island are distinct, and unique depending where (climate and soil) on the island they’re grown. For example, in the Kona District on the western side of the island it rains 10-40" per year and coffee is grown where topsoil if any, is measured in inches deep. Here on the eastern side of the island in the Hāmākua District topsoil is measured in feet deep and we average about 200” of rain per year.
Hog Heaven Coffee is "estate grown", which means our coffee is sourced solely from our farm. We do not blend our coffee with any other coffees. We know where our coffee comes from and how it is processed. The only coffee we sell is all the coffee we can pick from our trees. Once it's gone, we have to wait for next season's harvest for more.
We love our coffee! We drink our coffee every morning and we’re the first to try each new batch. We’ve never been disappointed; each cup every morning is smooth, delicious, most satisfying coffee.

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